Kinsey Millhone, Private Investigator, is working late one night in her office, when Janice Kepler knocks on the side entrance door. Janice says her daughter Lorna was murdered ten months ago, so she attends a support group once a week that meets in this building. She asks Kinsey if she would investigate the death of her daughter.  After she tells Kinsey the story, she pulls a video tape from a brown paper bag, and says that her daughter appears in this pornography film.  She would like Kinsey to view it to see if she can spot any clues. 

Thus, begins Kinsey’s assimilation into the shadowy after-hours world.  She interviews and investigates people involved in Lorna Kepler’s life, most of whom work all night.  Because of the new late night tours and escapades, Kinsey’s metabolism gradually shifts into confusion, and she’s unable to sleep at her regular times.  For a while, she becomes part of the all-night culture of Santa Teresa. 


Kinsey drives to Lorna’s cottage, which is still unoccupied, and inspects the premises, but finds only abundant populations of daddy longlegs everywhere.  A few days later, she returns to have another look and discovers a listening device. 

At CC’s bar, she meets up with Lieutenant Cheney Phillips of the Santa Teresa Police Department to discuss the case.  He agrees that someone killed Lorna, but the Santa Teresa Police Department investigation produced no results.  He describes Lorna as a hooker making $1,500 a pop at local high-end hotels. 

Cheney takes her with him to a dance club called Neptune’s Palace to search for Danielle, who is a hooker and was a friend of Lorna’s.  Kinsey pays Danielle her professional rate for time to interview her, and learns that quick-witted Danielle is an investor, who saves just about everything she makes and invests the money.  A couple of days later, Danielle drops by Kinsey’s apartment with a pair of scissors and a hair dryer, and cuts and styles Kinsey’s unruly hair as they get to know each other. 

Janice tells her Lorna spent a lot of time hanging out with announcer Hector Morena at radio station KSPL (KSPELL) during his all-night music program.  Kinsey visits the station in the middle of the night to learn about their friendship.  Hector says she liked his dog and would often bring food and treats. 

Kinsey watches the (very bad) porn tape and wants to talk with the producer who made it and the people who appear in it. She takes a flight to San Francisco and meets with Joseph Ayers, the producer of the video, and learns he didn’t have any contact with Lorna after the four days of shooting that film.  From there, she drives to the Haight to find Russell Turpin, who appeared in the video, and instead, finds his housemate Cherie Stanislaus just getting home.  Right before Kinsey’s eyes, as Cherie undresses, she undergoes an extraordinary metamorphosis into Russell, the porn film star who hates his beard and penis.       . . . . . 

In K IS FOR KILLER Sue Grafton weaves expansive detail into each scene, such as her descriptions of the vertiginous dance club culture in the wee hours; and the colorful description of Cheney Phillips at the hospital at 4 A.M., meticulously preparing vending machine sandwiches with gooey condiments for Kinsey and himself; and Kinsey’s drive through town in the middle of the night, as she enjoys its stillness and silence; and the heartbreaking vision of the baying dog who misses his pal Lorna.  There are many moments to relish in yet another winner for Sue Grafton.      … Pam Wilder …

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